Sunday 30 June 2019

About Me

Welcome to my blog!

I am a Life Coach and a Mentor to Self-healing. I love to dive deep into Souls.
I guide you to use your inner power to transform all areas of your life and find the joy and happiness you're looking for.

Like me, I believe you have had issues that certain professionals failed to help.

I have found that many so called professionals out there aren't able to help  in a deeper level, the support are more artificial and with copied techniques, which unfortunately, does not help those who need a deeper level of attention and those that are looking for something more profound.

I do nothing without my inner guidance, I feel deep satisfaction when i'm in service of others.

With one to one coach and group coaching I am able to guide people to find their joy and purpose in life. I interact with people not as clients but as friends that want a breakthrough. I consider my profession a friendly guide.

I want you to feel at ease and comfortable when you approach me. There are no boundaries, no judgements and everything is absolutely confidential.

My blog posts are a reflection of me: of how I feel and think about life, and what I do to be aligned with my inner source.

I hope you find them inspiring and use them as guidance to improve your overall wellbeing. 🙏💕

Friday 10 November 2017

Your Uniqueness

Embrace Your Uniqueness

There isn't an exact copy version of another human being, even twins have different personalities and preferences. And this is the infinite creativeness of nature. Our uniqueness and individuality, and one's own life experience moulds us into fascinating beings. Hence, it is valuable to consider and embrace that.

Looking for the true meaning of life! As creative beings that we are we're meant to grow and evolve. We are meant to explore and innovate. If we are held back by fear and insecurities because of our differences, our proper and personal evolution will not develop as it is meant to. As part of nature and as part of its content, we are an ever-lasting - an ongoing expansion of life, and in order for us - in our own way - to develop, and acquire the best in this life we have to have self-love and confidence, and accept who we are and meant to be. We are all different and meant to be. 

Each person's uniqueness is what fills the world with outstanding diversity and variety. Each person with their unique taste and ideas is what creates growth and evolution. If you are willing to evolve and create the life of your dreams and become the best version of yourself, you have to be centred in your own and unique ideas. Being a creator of the life you want requires commitment, self discipline, and most importantly - trust. And you can only attain real fulfilment when these are in balance. Self-love is commitment to oneself, you focus in following only what you believe is best for you. Each person has their own preferences, and it is your commitment to yourself that makes you aware of those preferences and want to follow what fulfils you. The aim is to understand what your individual want and need is in order to live a life of your own - personally defined - a good life. 

If you embrace your uniqueness and turn inward, curious to find out precisely who you are and who you are meant to be - you will feel committed and eager to walk in direction to self-realisation. Once you learn to feel comfortable with your uniqueness you will rise above fear of being wrong or of being different. Remember - we are all different and meant to be. When we disregard everything and embrace our uniqueness, self-discovery takes place. That's when we learn about the positive aspect of self-love. We are then focused on our beautiful being that requires all the special attention.  We learn to consider our needs first and prioritise our well-being. 

When you embrace who you are and have a healthy relationship with yourself, others' opinions about you become so irrelevant, because you are grounded in the assurance of who you truly are. And life becomes much easier, you have no need for others' approval to feel valued, your self-assurance is sufficient.

Saturday 25 February 2017


The way you made me feel...

                   You brought me down to your level.
               You threw at me thorns that you possessed.
               You gave me insecurity because of your self identity.
               You shared your critics because that's how you felt.
               You gave me tears because you didn't want to cry alone.
               You spilt your frustration on me to relief your heavy burden.
               You inflicted pain on me because it had been inflicted on you.
               You tried to kill my soul because your soul had been killed before.
               You gave me bitterness because that's how you had been seasoned.
               You insulted me with the words you had been called.
               You made me feel miserable so that you wouldn't be on the journey alone.
               You judged me on the perspective of your personal self-vision.
               You threw darkness at me because that was the only shade you had.
               You made my days sad because your days were a mess.
               You looked at me with despise because you had a false concept of superiority.
               You belittled me to bring me down to your lowest because it was too painful to be down on your own.
               You blew out my candle when you couldn't light yours because darkness is scary when alone.

The way you made me feel was because you were so hurt. All I can do with the pain you inflicted on me is to transform it into light by being compassionate. I throw my forgiveness at you, so that it may light the candle of your lost soul. May you have discernment so that it may bring you into the vortex that I am. 
I choose light instead of darkness, forgiveness instead of hatred. I choose the path of light so that I may not repeat your mistakes. I am grateful for the lessons you unconsciously taught me, for it made me a better person.

Sandra CA.



Love is patient
Love is Kind
Love does not envy
Love does not boast
Love is not proud
Love is not rude
Love is not self-seeking
Love is not easily angered
Love keeps no record of wrongs
Love does not delight in evil
Love rejoices with the truth
Love always protects
Love always trusts
Love always hopes
Love always perseveres
Love Never Fails

1 Corinthians 13:4 

Wednesday 22 February 2017


  Grief Healing

Today I feel like opening my heart to you about my grief. But, by opening my heart I don't intend, or expect to relief my pain, but to welcome those who are going through the same. When we have someone who knows and understands how we feel, it makes pain bearable. This is why, I am here as a friend, to share my love and deepest sympathy to you. I want you to feel free to share what you're going  through, as it is unbearable to keep it inside. 

I am grieving for my mum who passed away six months ago. Even though it's been six month the pain is still as strong. I have days that I feel better than others, but, there are days that my anxiety is so strong that I feel out of breath. My chest gets so tight and I feel pressure on my head. These are just some of the symptoms, most of them I cannot even explain.

I started suffering from anxiety before mum's passing, and it got worse after the tragedy. 
Mum had brain tumour, and she became totally blind. As time went by she became bed-bound and unconscious. I cared for mum, and as she deteriorated fear stroke me. I had many moments alone with her and in which I had to face my fear and be strong to be able to help her. I would panic while trying to help. I had many moments of total despair, not knowing what to do. I had to wipe my tears, ask God for strength and do what was in my power to do. I would pray constantly, shaking terrified. 

It was energy draining, fearful and dreading to have someone's life, especially my mum's, in my hand. 
It is hard for anyone to understand what I feel. Only a person that has gone through the same can know how I really feel. It is not easy to deal with this, and it is not a matter of having to be strong. I am strong enough otherwise I would not have handled the situation the way I did. 
I was continuously told by doctors and nurses that I had to be prepared for the worse. I thought I would know how to help myself, and that I would have the right words to comfort me, since I'm such a positive person. But, no one is prepared to what it really brings. Having an idea is nothing compared to what it really feels. It is worse than I could have ever imagined. I had days that I felt like screaming, I still do, I have to control myself so hard to act normal.  

But, however hard this may be, I am still a positive and optimistic person. Grieving is part of life that we all have to face sooner or later, it is part of nature and there is nothing we can do about it. It is pointless to go against it and trying to understand why the person we loved so much died. We are forced to go on with life, and, since we have no choice but to face it, we have to help ourselves by accepting and smile at life again. This will help lessen the pain. There is no point in resisting, it won't bring our loved one back and it will only make us suffer more. Accepting the flow of life makes the healing process easier.

I insist with myself to go after the positive things that are available for me. I am a positive and giving person, this is why I have a strong will to help people. I'm always able to see the bright side of life, because there is.
I cannot bring my mum back, and it is painful to be sure of this, but with this I had a wake-up call. I prayed and asked God what positive thing could I take from this pain, and the answer was that I had to live life to the fullest and be the happiest I could be. And that's what I decided, I set my mind to want happiness and nothing less, even though grieving. Does it make sense?

I am happy and optimistic about my life, even though I am sad about my mum. Of course I would be better if she was here, but she's not, and there is nothing I can do to reverse this. So all I can do is live the best I can live, and be the best I can be. This is my reasoning thinking, but in reality it is not that easy to simply switch and be happy, there is a process and it takes time. Step by step to heal in a positive way.

In search for a deeper understanding about death, I listen to various videos on Youtube, and I found one particular motivational speaker's explanation very interesting. The explanation given made sense to me and it is helping me in the healing process. The videos are by Abraham Hicks, and all of her videos regarding this topic are so interesting. She makes death sound so natural, and it is. She talks about it as a transition to the non-physical, and the end of all resistance, therefore, no more suffering, no more pain. And it makes me feel at peace. 
If you are going through grief, whether it's recent or for long, I encourage you to listen to her videos. Abraham's teachings are extremely good, you will highly benefit by listening to her explanation about the facts of life.

Friday 17 February 2017


She Walks In Beauty

She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes:
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling place.

And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
so soft, so calm, yet eloquent,

The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all bellow,
A heart who's love is innocent!

By:  Lord Byron

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Supreme Mystery

What is it that I'm looking for?

I'm in search for something. Something big like the planet, something small like a diamond; something high like a mountain, something strong like a hurricane. Something massive, something profound. Something beautiful like a flower, something gentle like a baby. I don't know what I'm looking for, but I know it's something special, something sacred, something mysterious. I'm looking for something, something to fill the seeking space.
I have looked everywhere and I can't find it, I went deep and I still couldn't find it. I went east and I went west and nothing could I find. Do I have to go deeper? Do I have to scream louder? Do I have to keep going? I am looking for something, but will I find it?

Something in me insists in not giving up. Somehow it assures that it is a beautiful treasure. It is a treasure never seen before.
Is it a treasure that you're looking for? Yes, I believe it is treasure. It feels so special and so unique. I am looking for the meaning of that something. What lies between being and existing? What lies between God and men? What lies between birth and death? What lies beneath the ever existing thing?
But that something is not a thing. It cannot be seen, it cannot be touched, but it can be felt, and it kisses the soul. It is something that surpasses all understanding. It is not a he, nor a she. Not a I, not a me. But, I wonder: Am I looking for it or is it looking for me? Maybe we'll meet half way, I don't know. Sometimes it seems that it keeps pushing me. If I give up it insist in whispering in my ear, “don't give up.” And if I insist in not looking anymore, it appears disguised as a challenge, as a problem, as it is said, to grab my attention.

What is it that wants me so badly? What is that that does not give up on me, that that doesn't give rest to my soul? What is that that I'm looking for, that I feel a thirst for. What is it that I'm looking for? It seems that we don't give up on each other.
It is given different names, and yet not enough meaning. The meaning don't fully express the supremacy that lies beyond the beauty of the treasure.
But why me? Why is it after me? Who am I, to this thing that is so mysterious? It keeps playing jokes on me, keeps hiding and wanting to be found. Has numerous layouts which one leads to the perfect path. To the path where the treasure lies beautifully exposed, with sparkling lightnings, but still ever lasting to be attained. As glorious as it seems, it spreads the feeling that all effort to attain is worth it. Even though, just by staring at the radiance of it's beauty exceeds every idea of how supreme, how major it can be.

What is this that I'm so desperately looking for? It is called Love, it is called God, It is called Divine, It is called Holly. But, what is the meaning of all? How deep can it be felt? How can one bring it to freely inhabit in one's soul? Or is it in the soul that it resides? Where does it belong? Where is it meant to be? Where does it come from?

It seems like a stranger when distant, yet familiar when close. Am I seeing things my way or is the mysterious playing a trick on me? How loving, how kind that it wishes to be reached, yet sets rules to be obligingly followed. Faith takes me there, faith wants me there. But I'm lost and confused and that brings a barrier between me and it. What is it that I'm looking for?
I feel lost in this continuous search, and yet can't cease to go after it. It insists to be found, it's like it wants to express, and to emerge through me. But, what is it that it wants to express? Why is it willing to emerge through me? It grabs my attention when I'm connected, giving me a glance of peace, but brings unease when I'm distracted from its presence. It appears to be jealous, not willing to share me with anything. What is it that's not willing to let me go? Has it betoken me as his belonging? Am I willing for it to release me, or am I immersed in this profoundness that has wrapped me in its pure love.

Its presence seem to emerge, almost as if to reveal itself. But it chooses to be a mystery, so to be special. It chooses grace in the middle of the silence, it whispers gently like in love. It spreads peace through the stillness of space, and perfumes its path with the essence of it's grace. Flowers blossoming, spreading their lovely aroma and bringing the affirmation of life, where life is beyond all that is real, all that exists, and surpassing all understanding. It keeps confirming its everlasting presence by its enlightened energy. Spreading glimpse of peace where ever it passes, like the wind in its calm breeze. Distributing hope on an outlook of the sweetness of life, smiling gracefully to what really is.

What is it that I'm looking for? I can't see it, I can't touch it, but in a strange way I can clearly feel it. I can feel this unique presence that seem so rich and so profound. And I'm willing to go deeper to get hold of this enlightened treasure. It seems to be all that is whole, all that is opened to the Aha moment. Concealed with its full immenseness, glowing like an imaginary angel. If it allows me to describe, then it will emerge through me to define its majesty.
It brings its presence like a shooting star, proving its omnipotence. Revealing a life so different than what is lived, so opposite of what is felt. Almost showing the secret of life, that which is indescribable in words. It leaves the “mysteries” to be uncovered. I keep my search, and still ask myself, “what is it that I'm looking for?”

In each thought, in each question lies almost the answer, but still not clear, still not revealed, it's just an idea. I'm in search for real answers, not in words because those are diverse, but an answer that will assure my whole being with an enlightened presence that will confirm everything in just one moment. Confirming my existence and why it unceasingly follows me. I am attracted to its energy, even though unknowing its majesty. What is it that I'm looking for?

I ask myself, will it ever reveal it self fully, or does its glory lie in the enigma of time? Its supremacy is what turns existence a mystery. It knows its purpose. And since I am far from understanding its magnificence, my only chance is to keep searching deeply, knowing that its glorious being surpasses every explanation, every meaning, every revelation. All that it is is not to be understood, but to be felt. And that is where the mystic of all lies. How strong does it feel? And I keep asking what is it that I'm looking for, that can only be felt but not touched. Does it exist deep within me? Does it exist in my thoughts? Where in me can I find it?

It is an on going search, carving for the real meaning of all. Trying to understand what it wants to reveal, what it wants me to know. Speculations, that's all I have. But, what is it that I'm looking for? What is it that wants to reveal its identity individually? I am searching for something that wants to reveal itself, and I can feel it calling almost as calling my name. But, in some way I am stopping it from initiating its transcendence through me. What am I afraid of? What am I doing that interferes with its transaction? Or, does it have impositions for its pure energy to come forth? Despair clenches to old habits and confuses all interaction. Maybe with awareness it may disperse.

In trying to understand it, I seem to push it away. It exceeds logic. It doesn't need understanding, but wills to be accepted. Its tremendousness is complete with all that is desired, with all that I wish for. It resides in great abundance, it exhibits true and pure love, it surpasses joy and happiness. Its magical in my mind, yet I cannot describe it. Its beauty incorporates all available colours, mixed in a roll of sparkling lightning, exhaling supreme power of all possibilities. I'm trying to control my imagination and to feel it's presence instead, but fear hinders, for a moment, I'm scared to lose it. It brings assurance that it is available whenever I fearlessly surrender to its supremacy. I fight fear and for a moment it takes control, until I resist no more and let the superior entity take control. With no doubt as impediment, it transcends any imagination and surpasses any understanding.

To be continued...
Next Book. 

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Strengthen Yourself

Love Yourself First

Loving and accepting yourself is the most important decision of your life, the one that will affect every other decision you make. It will directly impact all areas of your life, it will improve the quality of your relationships, your work, your free time, your faith, and your future.

Loving yourself is accepting God's best creation. It begins with you enfolding yourself in your own affection and appreciation. You need to frequently remind yourself of your worthiness, say it out loud if necessary, but get the habit of appreciating yourself. Enfold yourself in the light, light of self-love. If you want to start changing certain areas of your life I sincerely advise you to take this as the first and main step to a new you.

The reason I emphasise this so much is because I was once a person that was auto-critical, with no self-love and very low self-esteem. I remember how I felt, and I had no reason for that. When I began building myself up and determined to increase my self-esteem I realised how talented and full of potential I was. 

Today, I see myself as the best. I may not be the best for others, but I am the best to myself and to the ones who love me. Do I care about other's opinions? Not a bit! And do you know why? Because I know my self-worth, I know myself better than anyone who has simply an opinion about me. I appreciate who I am and I am happy in “my shoe”. I frequently compliment myself, I pull myself up. If I don't do it, who will? I know I have imperfections and I'm fine with them. I can change or improve any time.  

Monday 19 December 2016



        Grief reminds me
To love more openly
To express more freely
To feel more deeply
To live more fully
          Grief reminds me
Of all that I have lost
And all that I still have
Of all that I was
And all that I can be
           Grief reminds me
The memories made
The memories still to make
Of what has been done
Of what is left to do
Grief reminds me
That Love Never Dies 

Amo-lhe Mae!

Sunday 18 December 2016

Strengthen Yourself

Spend Time Alone

Time alone helps you be more in tune with yourself. It gives you the chance to clear your mind, focus, and think more clearly. It gives you balance and self-awareness.

When you are alone you take time to become involved in activities that you really enjoy. Your unique kind of creativity flourishes when you are away from outside influences because you allow your imaginative mastermind freedom to explore possibilities..

When you spend time alone, you find out more about yourself. It gives you a much better understanding of how you truly feel about things that are going on in your life. You discover more of your abilities and your passions.

Giving yourself some calm, peaceful time on your own will increase certainty of what you really want in life. You will be able to think things through by allowing your mind to wander and explore.

Don't feel guilty for taking time out just for you, you need some time alone, it is a “have to”, rather than a “if so.” It's an opportunity to revitalise your mind and body at the same time. Any time you can spend alone with yourself to reboot, pray, meditate, focus, relax, create or think deeply is empowering.

Taking care of yourself also keeps you happy and relaxed putting you in a healthier position to care for others with love.

Successful people spend time alone to think, they invest time thinking about their future. Spending time alone thinking opens ways to new ideas. The greater your thinking the greater your achievement, it is the number one step in achieving your dreams. 

Think your life into existence. Henry Ford said, "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it." and John Maxwell also says, "Thinking is not sexy, but it is a prerequisite for success." he also says, "Thinking precedes achievement." Make 'time alone' your priority.