Wednesday 28 December 2016

Strengthen Yourself

Love Yourself First

Loving and accepting yourself is the most important decision of your life, the one that will affect every other decision you make. It will directly impact all areas of your life, it will improve the quality of your relationships, your work, your free time, your faith, and your future.

Loving yourself is accepting God's best creation. It begins with you enfolding yourself in your own affection and appreciation. You need to frequently remind yourself of your worthiness, say it out loud if necessary, but get the habit of appreciating yourself. Enfold yourself in the light, light of self-love. If you want to start changing certain areas of your life I sincerely advise you to take this as the first and main step to a new you.

The reason I emphasise this so much is because I was once a person that was auto-critical, with no self-love and very low self-esteem. I remember how I felt, and I had no reason for that. When I began building myself up and determined to increase my self-esteem I realised how talented and full of potential I was. 

Today, I see myself as the best. I may not be the best for others, but I am the best to myself and to the ones who love me. Do I care about other's opinions? Not a bit! And do you know why? Because I know my self-worth, I know myself better than anyone who has simply an opinion about me. I appreciate who I am and I am happy in “my shoe”. I frequently compliment myself, I pull myself up. If I don't do it, who will? I know I have imperfections and I'm fine with them. I can change or improve any time.  

We are here to grow, to evolve - it is an ongoing process, and that's what makes life interesting. We always have more and more to learn and to improve. That's the way of life.
Be gentle to yourself, be understanding to your being that needs so much of your attention. If you have never been appreciated or loved then you have more reasons to appreciate and love yourself. If people degrade you that's when you 'upgrade' yourself.

Take care of your feelings, pay attention to your needs and wants. You have the right to want, to desire and to work on achieving all that you wish for. Unfold yourself to the greatness of life, embrace your uniqueness. Be happy with who are now!

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