Saturday 25 February 2017


The way you made me feel...

                   You brought me down to your level.
               You threw at me thorns that you possessed.
               You gave me insecurity because of your self identity.
               You shared your critics because that's how you felt.
               You gave me tears because you didn't want to cry alone.
               You spilt your frustration on me to relief your heavy burden.
               You inflicted pain on me because it had been inflicted on you.
               You tried to kill my soul because your soul had been killed before.
               You gave me bitterness because that's how you had been seasoned.
               You insulted me with the words you had been called.
               You made me feel miserable so that you wouldn't be on the journey alone.
               You judged me on the perspective of your personal self-vision.
               You threw darkness at me because that was the only shade you had.
               You made my days sad because your days were a mess.
               You looked at me with despise because you had a false concept of superiority.
               You belittled me to bring me down to your lowest because it was too painful to be down on your own.
               You blew out my candle when you couldn't light yours because darkness is scary when alone.

The way you made me feel was because you were so hurt. All I can do with the pain you inflicted on me is to transform it into light by being compassionate. I throw my forgiveness at you, so that it may light the candle of your lost soul. May you have discernment so that it may bring you into the vortex that I am. 
I choose light instead of darkness, forgiveness instead of hatred. I choose the path of light so that I may not repeat your mistakes. I am grateful for the lessons you unconsciously taught me, for it made me a better person.

Sandra CA.

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