Saturday 10 December 2016

Strengthen Yourself

The Meaning Of Happiness

What is happiness? What is that that we all look for in love, in money, in success, but yet none of that seem to fulfil us? Happiness is a state of mind, it is the result of good thoughts; It is a realisation of a renewed mind: It is a magic seed of contentment that is planted deep within. 

Happiness is a living emotion that has to be flourished by us in the secret garden of our soul, by nurturing our authentic happiness the way we would nurture something that's beautiful and alive. Our happiness is a right guaranteed since our birth, it can only be realised once we commit to making it a personal priority in our lives; we should be willing to pursue it.

A question that is frequently asked is, "how can I believe in happiness if I was never happy?" The thought is understandable from that point of view, but we have to remember that everything has its opposite. There is no "positive" if there isn't a "negative" - it will be neutral. If there is no "down" there will be no "up" - if there is no bad there will be no good. Therefore, if there is sadness, there is also happiness. The key is to take control of your thoughts to bring harmony between mind and soul. Our soul speaks to us, so listen to it, pay attention to your feelings it tells you when you're going with the flow. 

Focus on thinking and doing what you enjoy the most. Only focus on what makes you feel good. A negative feeling always comes after a negative thought. Look deep within and notice what changes your feelings - when you notice it you can take control and repeat affirmations that will redirect your mind to positivism. 

With practice happiness will turn into a habit. When you say "I just want to be happy!" ask yourself what's stopping you? Don't stop yourself because of some condition, be happy anyway. Nothing should stop you from feeling free and joyful. So, redirect your mind to what you want rather than to what you don't want. 

In other words, you have the ability to control how you feel - and with consistent practice, you can form life-long habits for a more satisfying and fulfilled life.

Don't take long, don't waste time, build yourself up. It is possible to be truly happy and live a life filled with abundance. Think your life into existence!

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