Thursday 24 November 2016

Quiet Mind

The Importance Of Meditation

Having time to quiet the mind is essential to move away from all the stress and turmoil of the world. We need every day to have a moment of silence and calmness if we want to be happy and peaceful. It is necessary to quiet the mind and bring back stillness and clarity in order to live in harmony with life.

Meditation is the quickest tool to finding inner peace. It is the practice that helps us enter into a state of mindfulness, a state of presence. We focus on paying attention to what we are doing while we are doing it, whatever this maybe. Once you are present and here, your mind will naturally quiet down. Notice that I say "quiet down" and not stop, because the mind never stops - it quiets down and becomes calm, but never stops. A truly silent mind is alert and sensitive to its surroundings because it is free from judging, clinging or rejecting. The silent mind is free from hatred, anger, jealousy, confusion and conflict. When the mind can rest in its own stillness it can see things as they are and not how we think to be. And, in this stillness there is a space that holds true peace, and this peace will germinate into profound satisfaction. 

Quieting the mind is possible when we pay attention to what is happening around us, and in us. Quieting is possible through focusing in the present moment, by paying attention to the sounds around, without judging them. Just paying attention will bring ease and a momentum of joy. When we live in the present moment life is more harmonious and there is much joy. Fear does not exist in the now, only profound peace. We appreciate every thing that life offers. Life only exists in the present: the past is a remembrance of what happened in the present and what is to happen in the future will happen in the present. 

There is sweetness in the present, there is joy and contentment. A bliss and joy so fulfilling that no other intoxicants is needed to achieve happiness. Our thoughts are clear and life moves smoothly. 
We can only appreciate beauty when we are aware of what we see and what we touch. 

When you quiet your mind, and stop that resistance, you redirect yourself towards harmonious living and meaningful relationships. Only then does life become worth living, because now you can experience fully each moment in its freshness and you can truly live in harmony with yourself and others.

I read this quote somewhere and found it interesting to keep it in mind: 
"Prayer is when we speak to God, meditation is when God speaks to us."

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