Monday 12 December 2016

Strengthen Yourself 2

Step Out From The Comfort Zone

Many of us have established a comfort zone in our life. Comfort zone is a psychological state in which things feel familiar to a person. It is a state where one feels safe and at ease by taking a line of least resistance towards life. In this situation we feel comfortable by not having to face challenging situations, however, with this settled method of having little effort, no improvement is made in life.
In all cases, being in comfort zone one feels in control of their environment and experiences low level of anxiety and stress.
Being in the comfort zone might feel good because no effort is needed, but the danger is that you stop reaching, stretching, seeking and risking in life, and as a result you stop growing, and without continuous growth you will not grow in any way. You should know that if your life is not going in one direction it is going in another direction – you are either creating or disintegrating. By keeping yourself in the comfort zone you may be holding yourself back from real growth, real accomplishment, and a potentially excited future. There is no room for adventure and excitement in your comfort zone and in time you might feel trapped by boredom and fear. Most of the greatest lessons in life are learned by taking risks and living outside of the comfort zone. You can grow as a person, become more confident, gain new experiences, and enrich your life.
Your comfort zone is comfortable because it's where you know what to expect. Maybe you feel it's time to stretch those limits and to start changing your life.

What can you do to step out from the comfort zone?

In reality, comfort zone is not really about comfort, it is about fear. Break the chains of fear and step outside. Once you do, you will learn to enjoy the process of taking risks and growing in the process.
One of the biggest things that holds many of us in the comfort zone is our fear of what people think. It is important that you start with small steps as it is not easy to come out at once, and build your way up. Start by doing a different thing every day, a new thing or a thing that has been challenging for you. If you want to make changes and start building a more exciting life, it is necessary that you commit to these steps. In time you will notice that those small things are not a challenge anymore and you will want to step to bigger challenges.
Know that the worse thing that can happen when you try something new is that you might fail. At least you tried and probably learned that it wasn't as scary as you imagined. Just knowing that you tried is an accomplishment, and even a failed attempt at something new is a measure of success because you had the courage to act.

Be yourself, be unique. Don't try to be someone that you're not, you are amazing just the way you are. You are different and meant to be, embrace that. And also don't worry about what others think of you. You'll live a much happier life when doing this. Learn to laugh at yourself when you make mistakes and give yourself a tap on the back for trying. When you step out of your comfort zone, remind yourself that the unknown does not have to be scary and that you can face any situation life throws at you.
Get comfortable with discomfort. Little by little life will unfold in magnificent ways, and you will be excited to be more out of the comfort zone and curious to explore more of life.

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