Wednesday 14 December 2016

Hidden Power

Gratitude and Appreciation

Gratitude is the most powerful of all tools. Gratitude is recognition for what we have - it is readiness to show appreciation for something or someone. The practice of gratitude is a great key to abundance. When we practice gratitude we feel more joyful and more alive. We express more kindness and compassion to others and we take better care of ourselves and our surroundings.

I have been practising gratitude for a while and I surely notice the difference. I became a more positive person, more focused and with eager to live a happier life. I began to see life in a colourful way and to enjoy each moment more profoundly.

The first time I read about the power of gratitude was on a book called, 'A Little Light On the Spiritual Laws', by Diana Cooper. Lovely book! As I read about it I understood why I was so happy as a child. I enjoyed each moment and looked at things with glowing eyes, admiring all that I saw.  Then I knew the real meaning of gratitude.

If you want your life to become happier, healthier and more abundant, concentrate on what you have and you will end up having more. Keep a gratitude journal, where you can daily write down what you're grateful for. Write  everyday ten things you're grateful for and why. For example: "I am grateful for the abundant water that I have easy access to, because I have enough to drink when i'm thirsty, I can bathe, clean, wash and water the plants. I am grateful for my eyes because I can see and that makes me free to go where I want to go, to read the books that I love and to choose what I want to eat from a menu."

It is not selfish to be thankful for what we have, it is simply recognising that we appreciate what we own and are grateful for it. Some people might not have what you have but they may have what you don't. So be grateful for everything, it might seem small to you but would be beneficial to someone else. 

Gratitude unlocks the great resources of the Universe. When we learn the art of living gratefully  we become more alive and receptive to the goodness that comes in our life. I normally insist in writing ten things that I am grateful for every single day, but often I add to my list as I notice more things that I appreciate. When you start practising gratitude and appreciation you will notice that you will become more joyful and your feelings will change as you shift your energy level with that powerful tool.  It immediately makes life meaningful. 

In time you will see things working for you. Things will flow to you easily, because that is how the Universal Law of Attraction works. You will be attracting things to you as never before, because the Universe knows that you are going to be grateful for them so it will be happy to provide you with more of what you are grateful for. 

The practice of gratitude also helps us sort out difficult situations with a more positive attitude, because when we are grateful we know that all things will work out for our own good and we always will expect the best results. 

Appreciation also reduces our stress and improves our health. Being grateful for people: strengthens relationships - therefore, no more arguments and gossips. Gratitude will empower you and bring happiness into your life. It will wash away the tears of sadness, fear and hopefulness, and bring you to the path of fulfilment and joy. Gratitude turns what we have into enough. Count your blessings and watch them multiply.

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