Tuesday 13 December 2016

Hidden Power

Understand Yourself

I learned to look at myself with kindness. I realised that being auto-critical made me bitter and meant I disliked myself. After realising that it was okay to fail and that I did not have to be perfect, my way of seeing myself changed. I stopped punishing myself for making mistakes, and instead I learnt that mistakes were lessons to improve myself. 

Learning to understand yourself is the first step to self-healing - healing from loneliness, sadness, confusion, anxiety, insecurities, and self-hatred.
Understanding your feelings, your emotions - why you act and re-act in certain ways - what changes your moods, and why you feel lost and confused sometimes. 

First of all, understand that you are a human being like everyone else. You are not different from anyone, there is nothing wrong with you, you just need a different mind-set to take you to a whole new "internal" level, where you will find comfort, love, grace and internal peace. Be your best friend. Be kind to to yourself, look deep within and know that there is a "real you." Take this moment to make changes, changes that will lead you to a more meaningful life. Take the necessary steps to be the best version of you, but do it with kindness, understanding that you are in an ongoing process.  We have endless chances to improve ourselves, and it is okay to fail again and again until we learn. Like a small child learning to walk.

All steps will lead you somewhere, and it is no different from the steps to a happier you. You need commitment: take yourself serious, decide to change, to overcome, to succeed! Decide to feel good no matter what, always reminding yourself that it is okay, you will do better next time. Focus primarily in feeling good, because  feeling Good feels Good! Be your best friend and understand yourself.

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